Besse Building Rental
The Besse Building has 2 rooms as well as a kitchen for use by the public. Please contact the Town Office at (207) 437-2900 for more info and room availability.

The Besse Building has 2 rooms as well as a kitchen for use by the public. Please contact the Town Office at (207) 437-2900 for more info and room availability.
Town of Albion
22 Main Street
Albion, ME 04910
P (207) 437-2900
F (207) 437-2903
Monday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Tuesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Wednesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Thursday 12:00PM to 6:00PM
Saturday CLOSED
*NO new registrations will be processed 15 minutes prior to closing. This includes vehicles, trailers, ATV, snowmobiles and boats.
*Town Office is CLOSED on all State Observed Holidays and for ALL state and federal elections.
Lat: 44°31'56" N
Lon: -69°26'33" W