Cemetery Rules

In an effort to facilitate cost-effective maintenance of our cemeteries, as well as provide for a more uniform and neat appearance, the following rules and regulations have been drafted by the cemetery committee and approved by the Board of Selectmen. These rules and regulations are adopted for the common protection of all lot owners and the preservation of the natural beauty of the cemetery ground and the historical information contained therein.

No cement, plastic, wood, and rubber edging will be allowed around any flower beds on cemetery lots.

Hedges, fencing, walls, curbing, railings, enclosures or similar structures shall not be erected around gravesites following adoption of this ordinance. Existing structures or enclosures may be maintained but not expanded. No white marble, granite chips, or other rock materials will be allowed on gravesites. Any now existing may be maintained but not expanded. The future placing of ornaments, chairs, settees, fences, edging materials, shepherd’s hooks, trellises, or other similar articles upon plots will not be permitted.

If needed, maintenance persons shall remove any of these articles to facilitate mowing.

As soon as flowers, wreathes, emblems, etc become unsightly and faded or interfere with mowing, they shall be removed.

No glass containers shall be allowed at any time.

Permission to plant any shrub must be obtained from the Cemetery Committee and the cemetery committee reserves the right to remove any tree, shrub or vine or any part thereof which may become overgrown, unsightly or dangerous.

All summer decorations shall be removed prior to November 1. All winter decorations shall be removed prior to May 1.

If any lot or structure or growth becomes unsightly, the committee has the right, at their discretion, to put said lot or structure in proper condition and repair after an effort to notify the family has been made.

Snowmobiles, ATV’s, and all other off-road vehicles are prohibited by State statute from operating in a cemetery.

Trash shall be placed in provided receptacles or removed from the cemetery grounds and properly disposed of.

Rules for Internments:

Each gravesite will have a concrete liner. All burial vaults and grave liners should originate from a manufacturer that is certified by the National Concrete Burial Vault Association, Inc.

The opening and closing of all graves shall be done under the direction of the Sexton. Any charges or fees for such work shall be arranged through the funeral director.

Any person or persons involved in the digging and closing of all graves shall be required to sign a waiver to release the town of any liability unless they carry insurance for such.

The town’s Sexton is responsible to see that all cemetery rules and regulations are followed.

Town Office

Town of Albion
22 Main Street
Albion, ME 04910

P (207) 437-2900
F (207) 437-2903 

Email- Info@albionmaine.gov


Monday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Tuesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM

Wednesday 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Thursday 12:00PM to 6:00PM


Saturday CLOSED


*NO new registrations will be processed 15 minutes prior to closing.  This includes vehicles, trailers, ATV, snowmobiles and boats.

*Town Office is CLOSED on all State Observed Holidays and for ALL state and federal elections.

holiday hours


GPS Coordinates

Lat:  44°31'56" N
Lon:  -69°26'33" W

Map & Directions